Partner Agency Programs
Our work is carried out in partnership with like-minded organizations throughout the nine counties we serve. These partner agencies; usually community-based organizations, local government departments, and sometimes private companies; collaborate with us on workforce development initiatives and program services. Our partners are recognized and respected locally. They have a wealth of essential skills and knowledge to help us better serve businesses, workers and communities across the region.
- Division of Vocational Rehabilitation (DVR) – DVR obtains, maintains and improves employment for people with disabilities by working with Vocational Rehabilitation consumers, employers and other partners.
- Veterans’ Employment and Training Service (VETS) – The VETS Program serves America’s veterans and separating service members by preparing them for meaningful careers, providing employment resources and expertise, and protecting their employment rights.
- Wisconsin Department of Workforce Development/Job Service – Job Service is a value added partner to the Wisconsin Workforce Development system. They provide labor exchange services to businesses and job seekers, through the many Job Centers located throughout Wisconsin and also through the Job Center of Wisconsin employment web site.
- The Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) Program – TAA is a federal entitlement program that assists U.S. workers who have lost or may lose their jobs as a result of foreign trade. This program seeks to provide adversely affected workers with opportunities to obtain the skills, credentials, resources, and support necessary to become reemployed.
- Reemployment Services (RES) – On November 25, 1993, President Clinton signed into law the Unemployment Insurance Amendments of 1993 (P.L. 103-152) which added Section 303(a)(10) and 303 (j) to the Social Security Act. Both of these new sections contained requirements that all states do the following:
- Identify claimants likely to exhaust their regular UI (Unemployment Insurance) and who will need job search assistance services to make a successful transition to new employment.
- Refer identified claimants to Reemployment Services.
- Collect follow-up information relating to the services provided
- Meets “such other requirements” as the Secretary of Labor determines are appropriate.
- Wisconsin Works (W-2) – W2 replaced Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) in September, 1997. W-2 is based on work participation and personal responsibility. The program provides employment preparation services, case management and cash assistance to eligible families and is available to low-income parents with minor children who meet eligibility requirements and who are willing to work to their ability.
- Wisconsin Senior Employment Program (WISE) (Senior Community Services Employment Program) – WISE is an employment training program for low-income, unemployed individuals aged 55 years and older. The program provides subsidized, part-time work experience for a limited time through community service to obtain the skills necessary for permanent employment. Participants in the program learn new skills and talents, or enhance existing ones, through valuable work experience and other training to become competitive in today’s workforce.