Our Region
The North Central Wisconsin Workforce Development Board, also known as the WDB or the NCWWDB, was formed by the County Board Chairs to provide oversight, guidance and direction for the federal Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) in a nine-county region known as a Workforce Development Area (WDA). These nine counties include Adams, Forest, Langlade, Lincoln, Marathon, Oneida, Portage, Wood and Vilas. There are eleven designated WDAs in the state of Wisconsin. North Central Wisconsin’s area is known as WDA 6.
WDA 6’s region is home to a diverse economy of manufacturing, service, retail, transportation, IT, tourism, healthcare, and education. WIOA and other job training services are delivered to the public at locations that are known as “Job Centers”. Within this WDA, five Job Center facilities are found in the cities of Adams, Marshfield, Rhinelander, Wausau and Wisconsin Rapids.